iaff345.org - Louisville Professional Fire Fighters – iaff345.org

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Greetings, and welcome to our site! The Louisville Fire Department has been protecting this community for over 160 years, and its members have been protected by the IAFF for over 70. We invite the public to see what is happening with your local firefighters, and we invite our members to stay actively involved with our Union.

Engine Company 11 started protecting the Highlands in 1882, and continued to serve this neighborhood for 137 years. In that time, the community has only grown larger and larger. More homes and more businesses and therefore more people living in and visiting the area. More people, more buildings, more emergency calls . . . and the city chose to close Engine 11 in the summer of 2019.

The City continues to find surplus money in their budget, yet chose to put a price tag on the safety of it’s citizens and shut down Engine 11 in the name of a budget crisis. Call the Mayor’s office and let them know that the safety of our community should be a priority, and demand that they re-open Engine 11.