hypnagogia.art - HYPNAGOGIA NFT

Example domain paragraphs

The Hypnagogia Project is a Community driven DAO witch offer the promise of enabling a focus on community rather than just profit. Hypnagogia is bulding a bridge between the real World and the blockchain Technologie by creating an ecosystem witch offer the holder a monthly stable revenue and implementing real world activitys to create the first IRL MMORPG by allowing the DAO members to create and achiev quests in the real world. The "Hypnagogia angels", elementar and spiritual guardians, comes to the Polygo

What are the 4 step witch lead us to an long therm bridge between WEB3 and the real world allowing our holder to quit their dependency of the 9to5 system of modern slavery. Building a strong community with the GEN0 Guardians NFT. Holders will vote for all future decision taking by the DAO. The Guardians will as stronger they become, trought the community, invoke the Spirit of Time GEN1 NFTs a collection of 500 mystical digital beens witch offer their holder a Stable monthly revenue based on the power they a

Our Goal is to reward the holder of our GEN1 NFT with a stable monthly revenue and to meet eatchother IRL to take action where the world needs it. The Hypnagogia project stand for being a bridge between needs coming from the real world and the giving tools and solutions by the blockchain technologie. Let us be a strong community of Alphas who use modern technologie to enhance our Home Planet. We want to be more than a quick flip for paperhands, we will as community become the Hypnagogia movement who take Ac

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