hypeoncampus.org - Helping Youth on the Path to Employment

moodle (13255) helping youth on the path to employment (3)

Example domain paragraphs

"The students who can really benefit from HYPE on Campus are those who have been silenced because of their mental health conditions."

“I started making Tik Toks and didn’t even realize that I was incorporating productivity tips from FSST because I had incorporated these techniques into passion, into my life.  Everything just clicked. It didn’t even seem like lessons anymore – I love the games, I now have a home for everything, and you should see my calendar! And I just love my instructor – she made this experience for me. She makes me feel heard.”

"One of my students I am working with received kudos from her professors this week!  She went from receiving very low grades on her quizzes and doing poorly earlier in the semester to getting an A in mid-semester. We used the FSST curriculum to task chunk her work, make room for study time and prep for her ongoing goals. Her professors sent her an email and told her they noticed how well she’s doing now! She credits the skills she’s learning in FSST, and really loves the calendaring, prioritizing matrix and