hybridformslab.org - Hybrid Forms – Ivan Henriques

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Hybrid Forms Lab is a horizontal research platform with a collaborative effort of scientists, engineers and artists/designers to explore environmental science, automation and living systems.

Hybrid Forms Lab is an horizontal interdisciplinary research network that started in 2008. HFlab focuses on knowledge creation and exchange, with a collaborative effort of scientists, engineers, programmers and artists/designers to explore environmental science, automation and living systems, having sustainability as a goal. Artworks, design objects and innovative solutions for the environment are the outputs from the interdisciplinary approach. In some occasions the projects developed in the network are in

Willem de Kooning Academy, CEFET-RJ, European Space Agency, FLiNT, CNRS, Synergetica, Instituto Baia de Guanabara, Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam, ICM-BIO [Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade], CMET-Gent, Instituto Nacional de Tecnlologia – INT/Brasil