- Jamaica Rock 'n' Blues Jam - HubPages

Description: An annual music festival and blues jam held each year at Hedonism resorts in Jamaica.

music (52108) entertainment and media

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copyright Fantastic Voyages

The Jamaica Rock 'n' Blues Jam staged it's first annual event in September 2001. Held at Hedonism II resort in Jamaica, the Blues Jam incorporated an all-inclusive vacation with rock and blues music. But it wasn't just bands performing for the resort guests. Instead, everyone at the resort became a part of the event!

From the amateur performers to the professional musicians; from the resort kitchen staff to the piano player, and all the people in between, the Jamaica Rock 'n' Blues Jam was open to everyone at the resort. A jammer didn't have to be a professional. All he or she needed was a passion for rock 'n' blues music, and a dream of performing onstage.