- Huma R Kidwai – Author of The Hussaini Alam House

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Writer,Traveller, Researcher

I was named after the ancient mythical bird which never alights. It was first represented in the art of Acaemedian time of the Persian Empire in 500 BC, predating Islam by more than 1100 years. It stands as the capitol of two columns in Persopolis to this day. With the face of a falcon and body of a lion, Huma (Homa in Farsi and Homaio in Avestan) has variously symbolised the Spirit of Water (Hu: spirit and Ma’a:water), the high station of mysticism in Sufi poetry, the foretelling of kingship and a phoenix

I am perhaps the last symbol. Many trials by fire later, I am now an independent spirit, a travel junkie, a teller of tales, a reader of that fascinating thing called society, a child of destiny, who lets life lead her where it will.