- Human Rights Texts

Example domain paragraphs

This website provides ASCII text files, data, and information for a large corpus of primary source human rights documents published by Amnesty International (1974-2012), Human Rights Watch (1989-2013), the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights (1982-1997), and the United States Department of State (1976-2013). In addition to the raw text, I also make available and describe document-by-term matrices, which are datasets that systematically organize the word counts from each unique document by each unique term wi

Human Rights Texts: Converting Human Rights Primary Source Documents into Data Christopher J. Fariss , Fridolin J. Linder , Zachary M. Jones , Charles D. Crabtree , Megan A. Biek , Ana-Sophia M. Ross , Taranamol Kaur , and Michael Tsai PLOS ONE 10(9):e0138935 (September 2015)

Text data and replication files