- Yuheng Huang

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Short Bio I’m currently an MSc student at Momentum Lab, Dept. of ECE, University of Alberta , working under the supervision of Prof. Lei Ma . My research interests primarily focus on the quality assurance of complex systems, with a particular emphasis on testing, analysis, monitoring, and verification techniques. In addition, I am also interested in exploring the robustness of AI models and developing Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) solutions for machine learning (ML) development. I also possess experience

Short Bio I’m currently a Ph.D. student at Momentum Lab, Dept. of Computer Science at The University of Tokyo , working under the supervision of Prof. Lei Ma . I have graduated from University of Alberta and was fortunate to be funded by AMII for my M.Sc. study. My research interests primarily focus on the quality assurance of complex systems, with a particular emphasis on testing, analysis, monitoring, and verification techniques. In addition, I am also interested in exploring the robustness of AI models a