hscti.net - Chi Generators Chi Radionics Machines Orgonite transfer equipment Catalog

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World Leader in Life Force Technology The Site of Karl Hans Welz, Inventor of the Chi Generator®, Orgonite® and Chi Radionics™ HSCTI - Hyper Space Communications and Technologies International,

We are saddened to bring the news of the sudden passing of Karl Hans Welz to his friends and family all over the world. Karl was full of joy and vitality right up until a peaceful transition Monday night, 12/20/2021. There is no public memorial at this time. The family has held a small private memorial honoring his memory and legacy. You can share memories and condolences and soon read his full obituary at: https://www.lakesidefuneralhomega.com/obituary/karl-welz

This is a Catalog and Description of Generators of Life Force (= Chi Generators®, Orgone Generators®, or Prana Generators®) Accessories to the Generators and Software How to use the Chi Generators® and Accessories - Click Here

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