- House Building Summit 2024|

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Newspaper headlines as far back as 2017 predicted Ireland’s housing market was on the verge of a perfect storm. Today, we surely are in the thick of that storm! There is no need to itemise the challenges the housebuilding sector is facing, but it’s virtually certain that the market is slowing down significantly and will decline sharply next year.

Is the current storm a fatal blow to the delivery of Housing for All? Or can innovative, radical action save the delivery of our housing plan?

The IHBA’s one-day Housebuilding Summit is the must-attend event for housebuilders, developers, policymakers, local authorities, housing associations, key partners and suppliers. We will explore how we speed up the delivery of homes. We will be asking can we deliver housing for all in the coming decade and if so how do we achieve it? The Summit will provide a national platform for key stakeholders and industry voices to share details of upcoming developments and discuss major issues and challenges.