- The leading promotional company for country music in Europe | Hotdisc

Description: The leading promotional company for country music in Europe

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Hotdisc launched in 1999 and is the leading promotional company for country music in Europe. Our Hotdisc Top 20 Television Programme was on Sky Television for several years as well as on FreeView on the Country Music Entertainment TV Channel, and we currently produce a one hour monthly show featuring some brilliant current videos as well as some from the past.

The Hotdisc Top 40 chart is compiled from DJs and industry professionals’ ratings of songs currently being promoted on Hotdisc’s Promotional album. They are not airplay charts, as airplay charts cannot work in Europe because of the lack of 24 hour country stations.

The hundreds of country programmes on air which we service are likely to play a particular song only a limited amount of times in a short period, therefore rendering airplay charts insignificant.

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