- Guide to a Bigger Penis | Natural Enlargement with Exercises and other methods compared

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First of all, please take some time to read the paragraphs about pills, extenders and pumps. Even intelligent and well-informed men still fall for these types of “snake oil” penis enlargement products , it’s a classical “desperate buyers” market. Men who, mostly psychologically, suffer from a smaller than average penis, are lured into buying worthless products that are sold for hundreds of dollars.

But, is it possible to make your penis bigger, without any health risks, without any expensive products that don’t work? Yes, at least a bit. Don’t expect miracles, marketing claims like “double your size” are not realistic , but with the right approach some enlargement in girth and length that’s permanent is possible. The topic is controversial, some say there are no proven methods to get a bigger penis, but we’ll have a closer look.

A penis is no a muscle, but with the right training you can still achieve surprising results. This doesn’t only include a bigger penis, but the ability to last longer when having sex as well. Basically, a larger, fitter and more attractive penis .