hortculture.org - Hort | Culture

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Welcome to Our New Website!

Hort | Culture is a non-profit job training program supporting young adults aged 18-24 overcoming homelessness in the Bay Area. Together with our official partner, Covenant House California , we’ve provided paid internships to young people in the shelter system since the summer of 2020. Our interns run our small business selling plants, plant-related merchandise, and 3D printed pottery, while gaining real-world workplace skills and exposure to business software and principles.

We’re here to build an “economy of care” which honors each intern's unique skills and contributions to the business. Through interactions with plants and access to creative and therapeutic outlets, we also aim to promote improved mental health. Our goal is to expand our program to offer more job training opportunities to young adults in the shelter system and support them in taking the first step towards the future of their dreams.

Links to hortculture.org (1)