- Home Out Beach

Description: Home Out Beach

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I never thought it would be this easy to get shower doors in New Jersey . I knew I needed to get my bathroom redone. I mean the place is from th 70s! Can I say avocado tiling? Blah! So yeah, that had to go, but that also meant the old shower. Not that i haven’t spent enough time in the tub, but I wanted to move on. I wanted something more modern and wow did I get it. Really the hardest part was getting the tiling but once I picked that out, it was easy. I was able to move right on to the hard part: figuring

Now I knew I wanted a more closet style shower to go with the more modern look I needed in there. The grey slate tiles looked really sharp and adding in those chrome fixtures really added …

Plumbing problems are a fact of life. Whether it’s a leaky faucet, a clogged drain, or a burst pipe, no one is immune to the possibility of needing plumbing repairs. But when the time comes to call in a plumber, you’ll need to decide whether to repair or replace the damaged plumbing.