- Homeschool Nut

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Ever encounter someone who isn’t easily shaken up and stays cool as a cucumber in a sticky situation? Being calm can allow you to think quickly, logically, and creatively. Those qualities of thought are always desirable, ESPECIALLY in a sticky situation! I’d like to stay calm, think clearly, and scoot my way through hard times with ease, but staying calm doesn’t come naturally to me…yet. Often, my inclination is to react emotionally – to panic or just generally fall apart. Those reactions are not helpful to

A habit that has such a tremendous impact on quality of life, and requires a good amount of patience and practice to implement should be started young. This way, the habit can develop and evolve over time into something that is second nature. Imagine a generation of positive thinkers, that expect bumps and boulders in their path, and are prepared to greet them, move them, or move around them, and then carry on not only happily, but happier – and stronger – because of the gained experience.

Having confidence that you can navigate undesirable situations effectively requires some undesirable situations. As a mom, I tend to want to protect my kids from disappointment, hurt feelings, aaaaand basically emotional turmoil of any kind! In my heart, I’m trying to spare them, but I am actually removing opportunities for them to learn how to handle themselves, roll with the punches, and let stuff GO! I am working on helping my kids become better equipped for life and in doing so, I am learning how to bet