homeon129acres.com - Home on 129 Acres | Creating our forever home in the country

Description: Creating our forever home in the country

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As part of the patio project , the garden around our well was completely ripped out. It hurt a little, as this garden was our most established flowerbed, and the plants were huge. But Ellie and I did a lot of transplanting last fall, and despite our rushed, late season, haphazard technique, the plants survived. Our contractors were also very obliging and moved some of the larger shrubs for us.

Faced with a blank slate, I started to re-evaluate the well garden, and I decided to try an herb garden. Herbs can be lovely and decorative, and also of course functional. This garden is very close to the kitchen, so it’s a convenient location for herbs. Plus it receives a lot of sun, which most herbs like.

I decided to try a different planting pattern: a spiral. (Hint: a garden hose is helpful to plan out the curves.)