homelessymbol.com - Homeless day | January 20 | The Homeless International Day

Description: January 20 is Homeless International Day, a day to focus on the situation of homeless people, how it can be improved and perhaps even solved.

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We believe that in a global perspective, homeless people and their situation is not recognized enough. A lot of human rights have their own dedicated awards and special days, but up until a few years ago none of these had focused directly on the ever increasing number of homeless people around the world. The Homeless Day and the National Homeless Day is the same thing. ‍ https://nationalhomelessday.com

To raise awareness of  homelessness globally, the non-profit organization Hemlösa.se have declared January 20 to be the Homeless International Day . They have also initiated the Homeless Hero prize , which is given every year to persons and organizations who have worked to improve the situation of homeless people in one way or another. ‍ The Homeless Day and the Homeless Hero prize are meant to raise awareness and to acknowledge the situation of homeless people, and also to encourage those who help the home

Asses (Lucia) Kaur is a girl who now for more than a year, mostly during saturdays, have followed her parents and sacrificed her sleep, and even much more than just sleep, to participate in helping the homeless. To this early have this string compassion, emotions and to practice all this can be a symbol and be heroic for many people. Her parents moved from India to Sweden and she was born in Sweden. Lucia became nominated to be a Homeless Heroe because she took the step herself, not just talked, or helped o