homelessflag.info - Homeless International Flag | Hemlösa.se

Description: Hemlösas Flagga är den internationella symbolen för hemlösa och fattiga | Homeless Flag / Homeless Symbol / Hemlösas Symbol.

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The Homeless Flag or Homeless Symbol is an international symbol for homeless people, homelessness and the poor in the world – for poverty , equality , solidarity, peace and to be united . The Homeless International Flag is the only flag in the world for the homeless people and those who help the homeless.

The flag was created by the swedish person Kavian Ferdowsi after coming out from several years of homelessness. First, he created the organization Homeless.life and then, as the Santa for the Homeless, he created the Homeless International Flag to raise attention about homelessness and support the homeless and the poor. The Homeless Flag was created 2008 by Kavian Ferdowsi when he was homeless, but officially published as a concept in 2014. It was then implemented as a graphic in which a variety of variatio

The idea behind the symbol is that there is only a thin wall of just a few centimeters between people in homelessness and people who are not homeless, that we people really are One and that we can become united and become One. The flag symbolizes that you help or want to help people in poverty and homelessness; That we are all one and that you resist the injustice that causes homelessness.

Links to homelessflag.info (3)