holyquestionmark.com - The Holy Question Mark – Somewhere, something wonderful is waiting to be known.

Description: As Unitarian Universalists, we reject dogma, creed, and doctrinal tests as measures of faith, acceptance, or worth. Instead, we affirm and promote Seven Principles as our reliable guide to faithful living. Of these, the Fourth Principle, the "free and responsible search for truth and meaning", reads like a call to regularly question our answers instead…

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Somewhere, something wonderful is waiting to be known.

As Unitarian Universalists, we reject dogma, creed, and doctrinal tests as measures of faith, acceptance, or worth. Instead, we affirm and promote Seven Principles as our reliable guide to faithful living.

Of these, the Fourth Principle, the “free and responsible search for truth and meaning”, reads like a call to regularly question our answers instead of merely answering our questions. The Rev. Tandi Roberts, in an off-hand comment made during class at Meadville-Lombard Theological School , deliciously reframed this for me when she called us all “seekers, celebrating the holy question mark at the center of our faith”.