holy-rosary.net - Holy Rosary

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Welcome to our digital Essential Rosary. Use the Green menu on the right, to find everything you need. Community services are found in the blue menu, on the right.

Traditionally, the Rosary can and should be used everywhere, in groups or individually, using any medium. The schedule and order of Rosary prayers is established by the faithful, in prayer groups. Published guides are also an inspiration. The following illustration suggests one among an unlimited number of possible organizations of the Rosary prayer. Culture and location provide the rosary a rich diversity, history and future.

In the year 2002 AD, the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II in “ The Rosary Of The Virgin Mary ” (Apostolic Letter, Media Paul, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada) introduced the Mystery of Light to the Catholic Spirit, world and conscience. The Rosary now consists of twenty decades, including all four sets of Mysteries, beginning with the five Joyful Mysteries, continuing through the five Luminous Mysteries, then the five Sorrowful Mysteries, and concluding with the five Glorious Mysteries. The faithful usually choose t

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