hoehne.ch - Philipp Höhne – Debatable views of an aging nerd

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My talk @ Zurich Ionic Meetup from December 2020 about my experiences with Ionic framework development on the Apple Silicon M1 MacBook Air & BigSur Response from Japan the next day on Twitter How cool is that? 😉 Slides here:

Held my 2nd talk @ Zurich Ionic Meetup last Thursday. Just some ‘Quickies’ this time: Ionic 4 Playground: stackblitz.com Bringing back hammerjs in Ionic 4 Pitfalls when building for iOS RxJs -Observable.forkJoin() : Error handling Slides here: Thanks to you awesome guys at the Ionic Meetup. Really, really appreciate to be part of it! Questions? […]

TL;DR My Cryptogram Equation Solver The whole story Just recently: Son: “Daddy, there are some math tasks I need your help with.” Me: “Easy-peasy, bring it on!” Son: “It’s something with letters and numbers…” Me: “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” My worst nightmare: Cryptogram equations! I consider myself as a fairly logical thinker but these are the tasks I […]

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