hoabc.org - Welcome | Heart of America Boxer Club Inc.

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Within these pages we've made every attempt to provide you with a "one-stop" location to learn everything there is to know about our wonderful breed - the Boxer! We may seem a little biased when we proclaim the Boxer as the best breed in the world, but as you learn more about this breed, chances are you'll come to the same conclusion!

Perhaps nothing says it better however, than the following excerpt from The Boxer by John Wagner....

"Other breeds have pronounced specialized talents....but for a combination of the oustanding virtues of many with the faults of a few, our Boxer is the most gifted of canines.... No other dog is more individual in appearance, more keenly intelligent or sanely even-tempered.... The Boxer has a faculty of worming his way into the good graces and hearts of an entire household.... He fairly effervesces with cheerfulness and the joy of living.... Yet, all these things are secondary, or possibly just co-incidenta

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