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Description: Heterogeneous Learning and Reasoning at Michigan State University.

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We do research on natural language processing, machine learning and combining vision and language. We work on information and semantic extraction from language. We investigate methodologies to interplay between learning and reasoning and develop techniques to include declarative and procedural world knowledge in statistical/neural learning. We develop research software and build prototypes to facilitate designing AI systems. We also aim to apply our techniques and tools on real world-problems and conduct mu

Our paper on "VLN-Trans:%20Translator for the Vision and Language Navigation Agent" is accepted for ACL-2023. Congratulations to Joslin et al.!

Dr. Kordjamshidi will lead a basic research project granted by Office of Naval Research for investigation of "Neuro-Symbolic Compositional Generalization for Language and Vision Comprehension and Grounding". The project will be in collaboration with Dr. Vishnu Boddeti and Dr.Yu Kong from MSU and, Dr. Dan Roth form UPenn. This is a $1.8M project for three years, looking forward to this great adventure for HLR research and its impactful research results!

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