- International Journal of HIV and AIDS Research

Description: HIV journal is an international, peer reviewed, indexed, refereed, open access and printed journal.

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International Journal of HIV and AIDS Research is a peer-reviewed journal, and publishes a range of articles which have relevance to sexually transmissible infections, HIV medicine, sexual heath and related prevention and programme sciences. The main aim of the Journal of Sexual Health and HIV Medicine is to disseminate scientific evidence on sexually transmissible infections, HIV medicine, sexual health and related prevention and programme sciences.

The journal accepts papers in following categories: Original research articles, Review articles, Clinical studies, Case reports, Research letters and Clinical images related to HIV/AIDS.

The journal provides the choice of both open access and subscription mode of publication to the authors and publishes almost all types of write-ups like research articles, review, case reports, case study, commentary, letter to editor, mini review, opinion, short communication, book review, editorials etc.

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