hittingthetarget.com - Hitting the Target - Learning Angles Through Sports (Key Stage 2)

Description: Learning angles through sport with this interactive edutainment Flash gam created by Simon Jobling for Butts Primary School

angles (64) hitting the target (1) key stage 2 mathematics (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Hitting the Target was developed to assist Key Stage 2 students in learning about angles through the medium of sport . If you or your child are struggling with the idea of how angles are measured, whats the difference between right angles, acute angles and obtuse angles or how to guess the size of angles - Hitting the Target is for you!

If you can see the bouncing ball to the left, you are ready to play Hitting the Target .

If you can't see a bouncing ball, you need to download the latest Flash Player from Macromedia . If you don't know what Macromedia Flash Player is or you are worried about downloading anything to your computer, read about Flash here .

Links to hittingthetarget.com (1)