hiredevry.com - Workforce Development | DeVryWorks

Description: Learn how DeVryWorks’ workforce development programs can help with your team’s succession planning, setting and meeting milestones, upskilling and more.

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If you're looking for a proactive advocate for your team's workforce development, you've come to the right place.

You have a group of talented team members that have the potential to advance into powerful leaders. But their career path might not be as clear to them as it is to you. The result: reactive workforce development strategies. When it comes to future leaders, they’re ambitious and looking for learning pathways that deliver career progression—show them the way.

When we talk skills, we mean current, iterative learning pathways. These pathways are shaped proactively based on your team’s succession plan. They combine digital, interpersonal and role-specific courses to help mold versatile leaders. We work directly with department heads across various industries and company sizes. Take a look at how we might support your team: