hilarydesignsgardens.co.uk - Home - Hilary Designs Gardens

Description: Experienced Landscape Design "Hilary is a very experienced and personable horticultural professional. She is invaluable for providing advice, sourcing specialist plants, and expertly planting them." "Having used Hilary’s services for many years for both work and a personal capacity, she has always been a great wealth of knowledge and inspiration. Her

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“Hilary is a very experienced and personable horticultural professional. She is invaluable for providing advice, sourcing specialist plants, and expertly planting them.”

“Having used Hilary’s services for many years for both work and a personal capacity, she has always been a great wealth of knowledge and inspiration. Her expertise has been invaluable, planting ahead for the seasons, knowing the best positions and soil required along with a vast knowledge of plants.”

“Hilary has been responsible for getting our first vegetable garden off the ground, she has been a trustworthy, able and very pleasant person to have working at our home and my daughter has also enjoyed working with her in the garden!”