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     Thank you for arriving here and exploring your connection with sacred sisterhood.  High Priestess Sacred Arts (HPSA) invites us as women to explore the sacred beauty ways.  Each of these gatherings are designed with intentional rituals, ceremonies and sharings for our growing evolution.   We are merging ancient ways with the new earth intelligence and inviting the mysteriously changing seasons to access codes for our growth and for the rising future.  We are called together again, remembering our truth

     Here, we are holding one another with the grandest possibilities, inviting us to stand and deepen our journey within as sovereign beings, as we cultivate these divinely aligned rituals.  We are awakening to future possibilities, knowing we are stronger together, while we embrace our birthrights, for they have been brewing for thousands of lifetimes.   We will integrate these sacred ways into our daily lives as we are upgrading our multi~faceted beings, preparing us for all that is to come.  

     HPSA intends to build alliance and cocreate lineage as we grow, expand and align year to year. We have divinely chosen to Initiate HPSA on February 2, Imbolc, and graduate on December 21, Winter Solstice.  This allows us to drop deep into the powerful planetary alignments where people have been gathering for so many lifetimes, as we attune to the progressive new earth architecture. After completing the 13 Initiations that are required within the year, you will share alliance with High Priestess Sacred

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