highlandglobalvaluations.com - | Certified Business Appraisals By Business Valuation Experts

Description: We are a premier provider of independent valuations of businesses, ownership interests, securities, and intangible assets for legal, financial, or strategic planning purposes. Our skilled finance professionals have significant experience in valuations, business planning, forecasting, mergers and acquisitions, and strategic analysis in industries such as telecommunications, manufacturing, construction, retail, biotech, education, property management, grocery stores,…

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We are a premier provider of independent valuations of businesses, ownership interests, securities, and intangible assets for legal, financial, or strategic planning purposes. Our skilled finance professionals have significant experience in valuations, business planning, forecasting, mergers and acquisitions, and strategic analysis in industries such as telecommunications, manufacturing, construction, retail, biotech, education, property management, grocery stores, restaurants, shipping, plastics, and techn

Highland Global’s full range of business valuation services includes formal valuations, limited scope valuations, fairness opinions, and valuation consulting. We focus on meeting our clients’ objectives by providing the customized valuation service that best meets their needs. Highland Global performs independent business valuations for a wide range of purposes, including:

Our extensive library of appraisal resources provides our analysts with the information required to address our clients’ needs. Our goal is to provide solid, accurate, objective, and reliable valuations based on widely-accepted and well-documented methodologies. We take pride in the quality and thoroughness of our work.