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Combarro,a place with delight I love many places but the coast of Galicia is a very special area for me. Last summer I discovered one of the most idyllic places in the world, Combarro, a little village situated in the south coast of Galicia. It is a pleasure for your senses where its wonderful beach and nature landscape, a fine temperature and an excellent gastronomy turn Combarro into one of most visited regions in Galicia. This place was declared National Monument between other things for its beautiful fi

posted by E. Sailor @ 4:13 AM   26 comments

ARCHIPELAGO OF ONS Maritime-earthly Nacional Park The archipelago is situated in the center of the Southern coast of Galicia, protecting the entry of Pontevedra´s estuary. This archipelago has two islands: Ons and Onza. Ons is the main and biggest island and it is very well prepared and cared by some persons who live there all the year. You can arrive to the island by ship.There are several companies that join some seaside villages with the island. You can spend there the time you want because you have host