hfischer.info - Helge Simon

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        HELGE SIMON (né Fischer) I am a Berlin-based interaction/UX/service designer. This site mainly showcases (somewhat old but nonetheless great) student projects from my time in the notorious Design Interactions department at the Royal College of Art .

Comments or questions? Please do get in touch! [email protected] Then there are my profiles on LinkedIn and Xing .

STATEMENT I am aiming for design that recalls the finiteness and limitation of our (human) condition while not submitting to tragedy but rather to humorous acknowledgment. Design that recognises (and celebrates!) the absurd and comic inherent in our existence, with all its unstableness, uncertainties, ambiguities. This recognition not only gives consolation but also the combative strength to resist any temptations to withdraw or escape from the world by enabling us to accept and embrace this life. I want to