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It's natural to celebrate the arrival of a child—their story has just begun. But, as we age we become wrapped up in our day-to-day activities and sometimes forget it's still important to honor and celebrate our lives and our stories along the way. Our stories define our uniqueness but they also connect us to one another. When we share our stories we honor our own life and the lives  of our family and loved ones.

Heritage Biographies was created to help you celebrate, honor and preserve your stories. Using the latest digital technology we help you create a lasting legacy so that future generations will know you in your own words, images, and unique voice.

Are you so wrapped up in the day-to-day activities of life that you don't take the time to reflect on your life story? Don't think it's important to preserve the “little details” of your life? I hope to change your mind, and  help you understand that  taking the time to remember and record your life stories you will not only experience great personal satisfaction but will leave an enduring legacy for your family.