henrygives.coffee - Henry Gives Coffee

Description: Micro-Scholarships for Rad Web Shit

web (35487) development (16025) javascript (13812) css (13122) coffee (5253) js (1670) rad (619) henry (246) quinn (77) gives (23)

Example domain paragraphs

[hquinn@HenryGives ~]$  whoami  

I've learned so much about a dizzying array of subjects from websites folks have set up just to share information about their hobbies. From rock climbing to baking fresh sourdough to skydiving, there are all sorts of people trying to teach others about things they're passionate about.

If you've ever set up a site to share info about a hobby you have outside of web development (doesn't matter how big or small) I'd love if you shared it with me!

Links to henrygives.coffee (1)