henri.com.sg - Wine Bistro | Bakery | Singapore

Description: Make a Reservation at HENRI's Wine Bistro & Bakery in Singapore | E-Commerce | About Us | Contact Us | Restaurant Reservation

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Play Video about Wine Bistro Singapore HENRI | WINE BISTRO | BAKERY | SINGAPORE VISIT OUR E-SHOP Make A Reservation Welcome To Henri Wine Bistro | Bakery HENRI, truly the French Wine Bistro & Bakery, Singapore! HENRI is the first duo-concept French wine bistro & bakery casts to stone in Jan 2022. It sits on a land space of 3200 square feet, therefore it is able to host up to 70 guests at one time.

Select from our huge array of fresh bakes that features many artisan French breads. For instant, HENRI’s star bread- Pain de Campagne that is made with flour imported from France and in-house cultured sourdough starter. As Pain de Campagne is indeed an all-time favourite for breakfast, lunch and dinner it is featured in the bread basket for all dining-in customers. 

It is so important to start a day right, hence opt to take away a richly-buttery croissant with a cup of specialty coffee brewed using in-house roasted beans! Try us out, make a reservation at HENRI’s wine bistro today!

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