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$215,000,000 was invested in 2015 by venture capital firms in cannabis industry companies, more than double the $97 million invested in 2014, and nearly 30 times the $8.7 million in 2013, as reported by Marijuana Business Daily. Nearly 100 deals were inked in 2015 compared to 60 in 2014. The reasons are many, including US […]

One of the most surprising and recent revelations about cannabinoids are their capability to perform as antioxidants in the brain. German experts have found that the brain’s cannabinoid system has the capability of restoring impaired brain cells, while developing new ones. Cannabinoids may curb the effects of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s disease and possibly more. The […]

When we (Drug Policy Alliance) say all drugs should be “decriminalized,” we mean we’re working to completely eliminate criminal penalties for drug use and possession, just like in Portugal, where they stopped arresting people for drugs in 2001. Learn more about Portugal’s incredibly successful health-centered approach to drug policy in Michael Moore‘s upcoming film #WhereToInvadeNext:http://bit.ly/1o0QUnc […]