hemangiomatreatment.com - Hemangioma Treatment | Hemangioma International Treatment Center

Description: Hemangioma treatment clinic with experts specializing in compassionate care of children\'s hemangiomas, vascular malformations and birthmarks. Discover options for treatment.

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The term 'vascular birthmark' includes  hemangiomas  and  malformations . It is estimated that approximately 10% of births have a vascular birthmark -- that's about 400,000 children per year in the United States alone. Of these, approximately 30% -- nearly 120,000 children born each year -- will have a vascular birthmark that should be evaluated by a specialist. While hemangiomas and malformations are related, and often confused, they are very different in their natural history and in the options for treatm

We are at an exciting time in medical history when our knowledge, technological advances and clinical experience have come together to effect changes in the management of these birthmarks.

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