helloworldcollection.github.io - The Hello World Collection

Description: The largest collection of Hello World programs on the Internet.

Example domain paragraphs

The latest additions are shown in bold .

… قلب μλ # 1C-Enterprise 4D 4Test 8th A ABAP4 ABC ACPI Source Language ACS Action! Actionscript (Flash 5) ActionScript (Flash 8) Actionscript (Flash MX) ActionScript 3.0 Ada ADVPL Agda aheui Algol-60 Algol-68 Alpha-Five-Xbasic Amazon States Language amharic Amiga-E AMOS Andl AngelScript Anguish Ansible Ante APC APL AppleScript Arduino Arena Arendelle Argh! ArnoldC AsciiDots ASP (C♯) ASP (JavaScript) ASP (VBE) ASP (VBS) ASP.NET Assembler (6502, Apple II) Assembler (6502, C64) Assembler (68000, Amiga) Assembl

The programs in this collection are intended to be as minimal as possible in the respective language. They are meant to demonstrate how to output Hello World as simply as possible, not to show off language features. For a collection of programs that tell more about what programming in the languages actually is like, have a look at the 99 Bottles of Beer collection.