helenjubbceremonies.co.uk - HJ Home - Helen Jubb Ceremonies

Description: Celebrant ceremonies for modern, fun couples including weddings, namings and vow renewals full of humour and heart covering Sheffield, South Yorkshire, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire.

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I am a Sheffield-based wedding celebrant writing and performing weddings, vow renewals and namings for modern, fun couples and families looking for humour -filled ceremonies.  

My ceremonies are personal, unique, and memorable events. I specialise in ceremonies that are a mixture of humour and heartfelt .  

Traditional, wildly alternative or rolling around the aisles laughing, I will help you to plan and create a memorable ceremony for all the right reasons, which is unique to you. I specialise in humour-filled ceremonies that will make you and your guests chuckle, belly laugh and shed happy tears.