heidarafns.com - Heida Rafnsdottir | Concept Art - Visual Development - Illustration

Description: Heida Rafnsdottir is an illustrator, concept artist and visual developer based in Iceland. Heida has been working in game development and illustrations since 2016 years, with clients including Parity Creative Houe, Töfrahurð Tónlistarútgáfa, Menntamálastofnun and Forlagið publishing. With education in computer graphics, a BS degree in biology and previous career in police service, Heiða builds on a diverse background and unique point of view which translates into her art.

illustration (15906) iceland (742) editorial illustration (193) book illustration (122) scientific illustration (81) poster art (44) reykjavík (24) childrens book illustration (20) heida rafnsdottir (1) heiða rafnsdóttir (1)

Example domain paragraphs


Environment Concept Art

Character & Creature Concept Art