hearttrees.ca - Heart Trees - Chris Whitside

Description: HeartTrees.ca is the online gallery of digital artwork by Chris Whitside. Designs are based on the simplest and most iconic fractal - the heart tree.

design (75564) digital (14712) 3d (9252) artwork (6959) trees (1617) geometry (303) sacred (272) fractals (127) hearttrees heart trees

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Nature is wild with wondrous complexity. Nevertheless, every creature, rock, tangled growth, swirling current and twisted terrain has a very simple essense: a fractal recipe for evolving. The heart tree is a fractal that is both simple and symbolic of this essense. I think that makes it an icon to be revered and shared.

Since long ago forsaking traditional religion I felt a need to fill the emotional void left behind. I missed the sense of mystery and awe in religion, which offered a kind of natural high. But I also missed the icons, the rituals, the uplifting music, the ornamentation, and all the other trappings so important to a soulful life. Most of all I missed the sense of communion, the feeling shared with others that I was part of a loving, extended family.

I sought to recapture some of those religious feelings in science, metaphysics, evolutionary psychology, systems thinking, and comparative religious studies. And, to an extent I did find analogs of timeless soulfulness, community love and devotion to something greater than myself - without resorting to magical thinking. In the world of fractal mathematics, I found my secular totem: the fractal heart tree.