hearttalkporty.land - Heart Talk Porty

Description: What's Next? Heart Talk has been helping change happen in Porty The different initiatives that emerged from the Heart Talk Porty conversations have progressed in different ways and are at different stages. Some - like the community fridge, the community cinema, sustainable transport, processing grief, and restructuring Action Porty - have really taken off. Others…

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Heart Talk Porty

The different initiatives that emerged from the Heart Talk Porty conversations have progressed in different ways and are at different stages. Some – like the community fridge, the community cinema, sustainable transport, processing grief, and restructuring Action Porty – have really taken off. Others are slower burn or require structural change, and rely on dilaogue with existing structures (e.g. with Edinburgh Council about Seafield or the Prom).

If you’d like to join us please let us know (at the email below). The ideas and initiatives discussed in the Heart Talk Porty conversations are in our report (see link below).