heartmathcanada.com - HeartMath | Dirk Terpstra | Dirk Terpstra - Intuitive Speaker & HeartMath Trainer

Description: Since 1991, the HeartMath Institute has researched and developed scientifically based tools to help people bridge the connection between their hearts and minds.

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Most people know what it feels like to be in a state of harmony and flow. Where our hearts and minds are working together and there’s a genuine connection with others involved. It’s easy to love this experience of synergy, but oftentimes this happens by chance, rather than by design or intention. Wouldn’t it be nice to produce this flow on demand in our day-to-day communications, projects and challenges?

The human body doesn’t discriminate between a BIG stress or a little one. Regardless of the significance, stress affects the body in predictable ways. I train people and organisations to increase their resilience by implementing tools, techniques and technology developed by the Institute of HeartMath. Research has proven that this method reduces stress and helps you gain more balance, fulfillment, health and performance.

HOW CAN I HELP YOU?   PERSONALIZED MENTORING Are you looking to gain more balance, fulfillment, health and performance? LEARN MORE