healingwithcourtney.com - Sports Massage Therapist | Healing with Courtney | United States

Description: Athletic performance and everyday movements are made easier, with less pain and more energy. Give yourself and you body the gift of bodywork, movement, fitness and ergonomics by healingwithcourtney

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How Movement and Bodywork Can Work For You Given the complex tapestry that is our lives and history, care that focuses on the individual is necessary. Pain and discomfort can seriously impact our quality of life. Our bodies are stories of who we are, what we have done and where we have been.

When I look at your postural alignment, I see the possibilities of how you can move freely and with more comfortable. It is the combination of bodywork, movement, fitness and ergonomics that compliments the complexities of who we are. This gives us a wholeness to healing that is individualized and works specifically for you.