hcixb.org - HCIxB – Human Computer Interaction Across Borders

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Human Computer Interaction Across Borders

CALL FOR PARTICIPATION HCI Across Borders (HCIxB) is a global community developed through six years (and running) of concerted efforts, focusing on connecting research and researchers across diverse cultures and geographies. It started as the Development Consortium at CHI 2016, followed by workshops at CHI 2017 through 2022. Today, it has evolved into a collaborative initiative with a shared mission to foster community across geographies, backgrounds, methodologies, and other boundaries.

The HCIxB workshop at CHI 2023 will be a unique venue to showcase HCI-related work and initiatives from communities across geographies to a global audience. This workshop will focus on “ fostering global solidarity” at CHI. We would like to reflect as a community towards global issues and critically examine the design of technology for the same. Thus we invite participants to share how global issues have shaped their research, practice, or education. We hope to start a discussion to express solidarity as a

Links to hcixb.org (7)