hbf.church - Heidelberg Bible Fellowship

Description: Heidelberg Bible Fellowship

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2720 Kressler Road, Heidelberg ON N0B 2M1 www.hbf.church 519-699-5418 [email protected] Find us on Google Maps

Our Sunday morning service begins at 9:30 am and goes until noon with a break in the middle. The first portion of the service consists of a time of singing hymns and praise songs and then a time of ministry from the Word of God. During this first hour, there is also a children's Sunday school program. We then have a 20-30 minute break and then transition into a time of worship where it is open for any of the men of the church to lead the congregation in worship by suggesting a hymn, reading an appropriate p

We are a group of local people from different backgrounds, ages, life experiences with one thing in common. Jesus Christ. He has changed our lives and meeting Him is the greatest thing that has ever happened to us! We make a big deal about worshiping Him and reading and studying His message to us, the Bible. If you would like to learn more about what it means to be a Christian, this short video clip explains what it is all about.