hassony2.github.io - Yana Hasson

Example domain paragraphs

I am a Research Scientist at DeepMind . Before that, I was a PhD student in the computer vision and machine learning research laboratory ( WILLOW project team ) in the Department of Computer Science of École Normale Supérieure (ENS) and in Inria Paris where I worked on understanding first person videos under the supervision of Ivan Laptev and Cordelia Schmid . I have received a MS degree in Applied Mathematics from École Centrale Paris and a MS degree in Mathematics, Vision and Learning from ENS Paris-Sacla

To unlock video chat for hundreds of millions of people hindered by poor connectivity or unaffordable data costs, we propose to authentically reconstruct faces on the receiver's device using facial landmarks extracted at the sender's side and transmitted over the network. In this context, we discuss and evaluate the benefits and disadvantages of several deep adversarial approaches. In particular, we explore quality and bandwidth trade-offs for approaches based on static landmarks, dynamic landmarks or segme

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