harneywetlandscollaborative.org - Harney Basin Wetlands Collaborative

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You are at the site for participants of the Harney Basin Wetlands Collaborative. The Harney Basin Wetlands Collaborative (HBWC) was formed in 2011, as a collaborative effort to improve the aquatic health and sustainability of Malheur Lake, and the wild flood-irrigated wet meadows across the Harney Basin. Since 2011 the collaborative has been working to integrate social, economic and ecological values to support wetlands, streams, flood-irrigated meadows, emergent marshes and other wetland types of the Harne

This website is where you can find information about the collaborative, current projects, resources, a calendar of meeting and event dates and more. For questions about the collaborative and anything you see here contact Melissa Petschauer, High Desert Partnership’s Harney Basin Ecological Coordinator at [email protected] .

A timeline of significant events of HBWC’s history to present day. Click the blue arrows to move through the timeline.