haolunxu.com - Haolun Xu

Description: About: Haolun Xu is a Chinese-American poet, fiction writer, and filmmaker based in New Jersey. He was born in Nanning, China, and raised in New Jersey. He holds a B.A. in English and Political Science from Rutgers University. His writing has appeared in literary journals such as Electric Literature, Narrative, Gulf Coast, Joyland, jubilat, and…

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Haolun Xu is a Chinese-American poet, fiction writer, and filmmaker based in New Jersey. He was born in Nanning, China, and raised in New Jersey. He holds a B.A. in English and Political Science from Rutgers University. His writing has appeared in literary journals such as Electric Literature, Narrative, Guernica, Gulf Coast , Joyland , jubilat, and more.

Haolun’s work is the recipient of the John Gardner Memorial Prize in Fiction , and has been nominated multiple times for the Pushcart Prize, and also for Best Of The Net. Haolun is also an Associate Poetry Editor for the literary journal, Pidgeonholes . He is also a Fiction Editor for the literary press, Newfound.

Haolun’s upcoming narrative short film, Long Beach , is currently in post-production , and concluded principal photography at the end of April 2022. Haolun’s debut chapbook, Ultimate Sun Cell , was published with New Delta Review, placing Runner-Up in the 2021 Chapbook Contest, judged by Brandon Shimoda. His chapbook is available for purchase here .