hangkaiyu.github.io - Kaiyu Hang

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I am an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Rice University, where I direct the Robotics and Physical Interactions Lab (RobotΠ Lab) . I am broadly interested in robotic systems that can physically interact with other robots, people, and the world. By developing algorithms in optimization, planning, learning, estimation, and control, my research is focused on efficient, robust, and generalizable manipulation systems, addressing problems that range from small scale grasping and in-hand manipulation, to

Before joining Rice CS, I finished my postdoc at Yale University, completed my Ph.D./M.Sc. at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and received my B.Eng. from Xi'an Jiaotong University.

2023-06-29 Kaiyu Hang has won a National Science Foundation CAREER Award to develop robots that can physically interact with the world through compliance- and motion-based manipulation funnels.

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