handover-sim2real.github.io - Learning Human-to-Robot Handovers from Point Clouds

Description: Learning Human-to-Robot Handovers from Point Clouds

handover-sim2real (1)

Example domain paragraphs

We propose the first framework to learn control policies for vision-based human-to-robot handovers, a critical task for human-robot interaction. While research in Embodied AI has made significant progress in training robot agents in simulated environments, interacting with humans remains challenging due to the difficulties of simulating humans. Fortunately, recent research has developed realistic simulated environments for human-to-robot handovers. Leveraging this result, we introduce a method that is train

Example of user 1 handing over several objects to the robot.

Example of user 2 handing over several objects to the robot.

Links to handover-sim2real.github.io (2)